Ceramic Protective Coatings
Paint Protection Films
Professional Detailing Supplies

Welcome to PROTECNIQ, where our mission sets us apart in the world of car care.

In the realm of professional detailing, the norm involves numerous private labelers and generic distributors vying for attention with a multitude of brands.

At PROTECNIQ, our approach is distinct—we meticulously curate a selection of products and services known for delivering unparalleled results. Our offerings exclusively feature brands backed by direct manufacturers who invest significantly in product engineering and relentless innovation to meet the evolving needs of the consumer detailing market.

But that’s not where our commitment ends. We go beyond by providing comprehensive business enablement support solutions to help our partners achieve their growth objectives. From marketing and lead generation to financing tools, we ensure our partners have the resources they need to thrive in the competitive market.

At the heart of our business ethos lies partnership. We operate in unison with both our esteemed suppliers and valued customers. When our partners succeed, so do we—it’s a straightforward equation.

Discover excellence in car wash, valeting, car detailing, ceramic coating, and paint protection film with PROTECNIQ, conveniently located near you. Join us in achieving success together.

OUR BRANDS - Committed to Innovation